Rotative or Roto-orbital polishing machine – Which one should be use?

Rotative or Roto-orbital polishing machine – Which one should be use?


Rotative or Roto-orbital polishing machine – Which one should be use?

In the last article we’ve talked about the car body polishing, discovering how to proceed in practical in the polishing process. Among the various necessary tools, we’ve nominated the polishing machine, saying that we would have talk more specifically about it. And here we are!

We will discover the main differences between the rotative and the roto-orbital machines, understanding which one should be used in the different possible situations.

Ok let’s start and discover: Rotative or Roto-orbital polishing machine – Which one should be use?



The polishing machine is the electric and mechanical tool that is needed to apply the polishing compound on the surface. This tool has been studied to adapt to the backplate and, successively, to the polishing pad. Differently by the hand polishing, the polishing by machine assures some advantages, that are common both for rotative and roro-orbital.


  • Correct polish spreading; thanks to the high speed, the polishing machine can heat the compound and spread it uniformly.
  • Less time and less effort; this is an important point, especially when it’s needed to polish for many hours.
  • Constant pression on the surface; thanks to the speed and the power of this tool. This assures a uniform result.

Usually, the polishing machine is used in the professional car polishing. So, it’s a product useful for the body shops, or for the detailing centres. Anyway, there is also some “do it yourself” passionate, that has always the polishing machine in his garage, ready to be used.

Rotative or Roto-orbital polishing machine - Which one should be use?


The rotative polishing machine always makes the same movement (precisely, rotative). This means that the orbit followed by the backplates and from the pad will be circularly and default. It may be used in combination both with wool pads and foam pads.

Points of strenght

  • The surface is more heated, so it’s possible to work faster.
  • It’s very effective in the damage’s removal, because it constantly reaches the same points.

So, we’ve discovered that it is fast and effective. Which are, on the contrary, its weaknesses?

  • His powerful action risk to create swirls on the surface.
  • Its no adapted for the holograms and micro-defects removal.
  • If used by a beginner, there is a risk that the surface will be heated too much, until it burns.

For these reasons, the rotative polishing machine is suggested as an alternative for the firs step in the car polishing, namely the most abrasive step (the one that removes most of the damages from the car body). It isn’t a tool useful for the refinishing steps. It’s possible to use this machine when you want to apply PAICAR01 or PAICAR02, in combination with a wool pad (like the SL3) or wth a foam pad (like DA-01 or DA-02). As we said before, its use is recommended only for the professional operators.


The roto-orbital machine works making shuffle micro-orbit, which may vary in size. This means that a specific point of the pad will never be in contact two times with the same surface area. Usually, it’s used in combination with the foam pads.

Points of strength

  • It doesn’t heat the surface. This means that there is a less risk to burn the car body. So, it’s more safety for the beginners.
  • It’s more delicate in the damage’s removal. Its use is recommended also for the holograms and micro-defects removal, and it doesn’t leave swirls on the surface.

Point of weakness

  • It’s slower in the working process.
  • It has a reduced removal power. Using it, it’s hard to remove the deepest damages.

The roto orbital polishing machine can be useful for every polishing step. Anyway, if it’s needed to restore a badly damaged/oxidated car body, the working process will require more time using the roto-orbital, than using the rotative one.

PaiCar polishing compound line for care care and detailing


After the analysis of strength and weaknesses of both the machine types, we can confirm that the correct answer is: IT DEPENDS!

It depends on the damage’s degree, because a very badly damaged car body may need the use of the rotary machine to be faster in the working process.

It depends on the desired result. As we already said, the rotary one can leave some micro-damages on the car body, while the roto-orbital is more delicate in the working process, and with its use it’s possible to reach the higher gloss level. If the result desired is the perfection, the suggested machine is the roto orbital.

It depends on the operator’ experience. The rotative machine is not indicated for the beginners, because its power can cause damages. If you’re a novice, choose the roto orbital in any case, also if the car body have deep damages.

We cannot say thar there’s the perfect machine, but we can say that there’s a perfect machine for every different situation.

Now, it’s your choice!
