Car body decontamination before polishing

Car body decontamination before polishing

Car body decontamination before polishing


Today, we will talk about a fundamental step in the car-body polishing. It is the necessary starting point for a good polishing process. This is the decontamination phase, useful to remove every residue from the surface, leaving it perfectly clean.




Why it’s so important to decontaminate the car body before starting the polishing process? The first reason is very intuitive. If a contamination agent affects the pad during the polishing phase, the rubbing of it will ruin the surface, leaving marks on the car body. As a result, you will have to repeat the working process.

This reason would be enough to convince us regarding the necessary role of the decontamination of the car body. But this is not all. A decontaminated surface will be easier to polish because it is more homogeneous. As a result, the pad will work better, needing a less quantitative of polishing compound and becoming less dirty.

In summary, the surface’ decontamination is important for two essential reasons. First, to avoid the creation of damages on the surface. Second, to obtain a smoothy surface, ready to be polished.

After the analysis of the decontamination, and of the reasons that makes it necessary before the polishing process, let’s talk about how to do it, and which products should be used.

decontaminazione auto paicar paicristal come pulire la tua auto


The car body decontamination is done using a specific cleaner, combined with an accessory for support.

Talking about the accessories, the professional sector is divided between who prefers the use of the claybar, and who prefers the modern synthetic decontamination supports. Both these two alternatives are effective, but new synthetic support have some objectives strengths:

  • Longer support life, because them can be washed and reused, while claybar after some uses should be thrown away.
  • Longer support life means less garbage, and less environmental impact.
  • The process is faster using synthetical supports, than using claybar.
decon tech car decontamination cleaner paicar

Since more than 50 years, Pai Cristal Italia is focused on the niche of surfaces polishing. For this reason, we couldn’t avoid giving the necessary attention to the decontamination phase. We did it developing two innovative solutions, that are two synthetic decontamination supports:

  • SILKY PAD – Silky Scrub Pad for decontamination with velcro holder
  • SILKY GLOVE – glove for decontamination

The choose depending on the operator’s preferences. In both cases, you will have the possibility to easily work on the surface, reaching every part of the car body.

Talking about the cleaner, DECON-TECH is the specific solution for the decontamination phase. It performs a double action of cleaning & lubrication. It can remove every residue, leaving a clean and smooth surface. Its action lets the accessory slide very easily. It’s a spray cleaner very helpful, also for who prefers to use the claybar for decontamination.


Let’s talk about how to practically proceed in the decontamination process.

First, if the surface is very dirty, it will be necessary to wash the car, using a high-pressure jet to remove most of the residues.

After that, the car will appear cleaned. Anyway, there are still present some contaminants on the surface. Maybe, it is not possible to see them, but try to tact the car body, slightly passing your hand on it. You will ensure that it isn’t still ready for the polishing process start, because it is rough.

how to clean your car with paicar cleaners and detergents

Take the DECON-TECH and the accessory you’ve chosen. In case you will use the SILKY PAD, you decide to proceed by hand-use (thanks to the combined holder), or by machine, thanks to the Velcro holder incorporated. Using this technology, you will be able to adapt SILKY PAD at the backplate.

Spray DECONT-TECH directly on the surface, and then proceed scrubbing the car body using the accessory you’ve chosen. Don’t rush in this phase. On the contrary, pay close attention. Remember that a perfect decontamination will allow to avoid damages creation in the next phases.

After passing everywhere, use the soft SILKY TECH microfiber cloth to dry the surface and to remove every residue that may have remained.

Now, turn around the car looking closely at the car body, to ensure that you’ve successfully cleaned every area. If you are in doubt, repeat the process where is necessary. In these cases, it’ important to make sure that every part has been decontaminated.

Have you checked every part? Great! You’re ready to start the polishing process.


In this guide, we’ve talked about how much important the decontamination phase is. Through this process, it’s possible to remove every contamination agent from the car body, such as pollutant residues, insect stains, tree resin stains, sticker glue, metal particles, smoke residues from industrial areas.

In this way, in addition to preparing the car for the polishing process, you will avoid the creation of stains, corrosion, oxidation.

We wish you good job! See you to the next guide.
